Aged Care – Falls Prevention Through Exercise

Aged Care – Falls Prevention Through Exercise

Exercise therapy at Exercise Therapies helps prevent falls in aged care by improving balance and strength in elderly individuals. Falls are one of the most common and serious risks for older adults, particularly those living in aged care facilities. However, falls are...

Why see an Exercise Physiologist?

“My doctor said to see you to improve my Cholesterol.. Oh and I’d like to tone up my arms.. Oh and my back hurts when I drive.. Oh I can’t do that because of my knees”Most of my clients have multiple and varied goals when working with me.One...
Aged Care and Exercise Therapy

Aged Care and Exercise Therapy

Exercise therapy at Exercise Therapies supports active ageing, enhancing mobility and wellbeing for older adults in aged care. As we age, maintaining physical activity becomes increasingly important for our health and independence. Exercise therapy in aged care...